Can Vans Get Wet?

The popular footwear company, Vans offers a wide variety of stylish, yet functional shoes for men, women, and children.

From canvas to leather styles, there’s a pair for everyone. And while the suede and leather materials used in many of the shoes are water-resistant, they are not waterproof.

So, if you’re looking to take your kicks out on a rainy day or for a quick splash in a puddle with your kids, you might want to reach for another pair.

Can they?

The answer is yes, Vans shoes can get wet.

However, it is important to make sure that they are properly dried afterward. If they are not, they may become moldy or start to smell bad.

One reason is that the shoes are made out of the canvas, which is not a water-resistant material.

Additionally, the seams on the shoes are not sealed, so water can easily seep in. Finally, the soles of the shoes are not very thick, so they don’t offer much protection against water.

What happens if my Vans get wet?

Depending on the design, water can go through the stitching of the shoe and leak out the other side.

However, water is more likely to go through rough, weathered materials and seep into the shoe.

A wicking agent is used to keep some of the water away from the bubble, however, water can still collect in the opening of the shoe and seep through the back of the bubble.

Vans shoes are made more for urban wear than rain or other moisture. If a certain type of water is too tough for the shoe, it might have to be thrown out. It would be difficult to return the shoe to its original state.

If Vans shoes get wet, they usually drip (rain and other liquid). Vans shoes may also not dry; the leather will retain moisture and possibly mildew.

Shoes that are only slightly damp can be dried with a blow dryer on a low or medium setting; shoes with mildew or liquids should be cleaned with a mild soap solution.

The shoes can be prevented from getting wet in the first place by keeping the shoes in a dry bag, in a locker, on a rack, or in other similar ways to keep the shoes out of the water.

If Vans get wet, just let them dry naturally. There is no need to remove the insoles or wash them.

In fact, we recommend leaving the insoles in when the shoes are drying. If possible, place the shoes in a well-ventilated area to dry.

How to take care of your Vans after getting wet?

Even though Vans are known as one of the most durable and long-lasting shoes, it’s no secret that it’s not impossible to damage them.

Even if you take all the necessary precautions, you might end up with a pair of shoes you can’t wear for a certain period of time.

This is because Vans, and other types of canvas shoes, are hand-sewn, which makes them more vulnerable to water.

There are a few things you can do to ensure your shoes dry out properly.

Most people don’t think about their shoes and just throw them in the dryer after getting wet, but the temperature and heat of the dryer often cause the shoes to crack and deteriorate.

Before you toss them in the dryer, there are some things you can do to keep them in good shape.

Dry them off

When your Vans shoes get wet, it’s important to dry them off before wearing them again.

First, you should wipe off any excess water with a towel and leave the shoes uncovered on a hard, flat surface.

It is best to keep the shoestring loose while drying to prevent mold or bacteria from forming.

Next, use a hairdryer or hot air gun to heat up the inside of the shoe and thaw out any ice or water that might be left in there. This will also ensure that the shoe remains warm while it dries.

You can also put some dry rice in your shoes overnight to soak up the remaining moisture if desired.

It’s a shame when your Vans shoes get wet and ruined, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Clean them

Just follow these quick steps to clean them up and restore their strength.

  • Take the Vans shoes off and remove any dirt on the soles and in the grooves by brushing with a stiff-bristled brush or toothbrush.
  • Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto the Vans shoe and rub it in with a sponge or cloth.
  • Rinse the Vans shoe thoroughly with water to remove any excess rubbing alcohol.
  • Put some glycerin into each shoe crevice as you are drying them so they retain their lovely black color for longer.

Another way to do so is by getting a wet cloth and a little soap

Wet the cloth and rub the surface of the shoe until the dirt has been flushed off. You can also use a toothbrush to scrub off any dirt that is stuck to the shoe.

It is also important to dry off the shoe after rinsing. You should use a dry cloth to remove the water and to let the shoe air dry.

When your shoe is dry, you should apply new shoe cream to the surface of the shoe so the leather doesn’t dry out.

The shoe cream will help to preserve the quality of the shoe and will help to deter water from entering through the leather.

FAQs on Vans

Will rain ruin suede Vans?

The short answer is yes, the rain will ruin suede Vans. Suede is not a very water-resistant material, so it will quickly become soaked and stained if it gets wet.

If you want to keep your suede Vans looking good for as long as possible, it’s best to avoid getting them wet at all costs. If you do have to walk in the rain, try to do it in a hurry. And be sure to dry them off

How long does it take for Vans to dry?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The amount of time it takes for Vans shoes to dry will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the type of shoe, the material it is made from, the climate, and the humidity level.

Generally speaking, Vans shoes will take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two to completely dry.

Will putting Vans in the dryer ruin them?

There’s a persistent rumor online that if you put your Vans in the dryer, they’ll shrink and be ruined.

People have been debating this for years, and there are plenty of heated arguments on both sides of the issue. So what’s the truth?

Well, as it turns out, you can put your Vans in the dryer without ruining them. In fact, they might even come out looking a little bit better.

The only thing you need to be careful about is the heat – if you crank up the dryer too high, it could damage the material.

Can you dry Vans with a hairdryer?

It depends on the type of fabric your Vans are made from. If they are made from natural fabrics like cotton or wool, then you can dry them with a hairdryer.

However, if they are made from synthetic fabrics like nylon or polyester, then you should use a damp cloth to avoid damaging them.


Vans have always been perceived to be shoes that are not waterproof and get dirty easily.

If you’ve read this article in this section, you’d have discovered some of the best ways to care for your Vans when they get wet.

I hope this helped!


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